Arvi is a small root vegetable that is grown from a tropical plant; it has quite an intense flavour compared to potatoes and once cooked it has a sweet, subtle, nutty flavour. Shana Arvi may be used immediately from frozen, making them a tidy and convenient way of enjoying the vegetable at its best.
Turia (a variety of mild gourd) is a tropical plant believed to have originated from India. Shana Turia may be used immediately from frozen, making them a tidy and convenient way of enjoying the vegetable at its best.
Being low on the glycemic index and high on the fibre and protein content, these also come loaded with antioxidants and nutrients like Vitamin A, C, B6, K, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, and phosphorous. Add peas to whatever you eat. Steam, boil, sautee, bake, grill, fry. Go ahead and put it in soups, pastas, sandwiches, salads, or even in curries. Can be used both fresh and frozen.
The wide use of Dudhi in numerous dishes may be partly attributed to its nutritional value as well as its versatility. Shana Dudhi may be used immediately from frozen, making them a tidy and convenient way of enjoying the vegetable at its best.
Guar is an annual summer legume, native to a tropical Africa and Asia and resembles a flat Kenyan bean. Shana Guar may be used immediately from frozen, making them a tidy and convenient way of enjoying the vegetable at its best.
Tuvar contains many minerals that are rich in vitamin A, B and C. Shana Tuvar may be used immediately from frozen, making them a tidy and convenient way of enjoying the vegetable at its best.
TASTY VEGGIES Bergo Chopped Spinach is sure to be a hit at your family meals 365 days a year.
QUICK AND CONVENIENT Bergo offers a variety of premium vegetable options that can be ready in minutes.
HEALTHY SIDES Our vegetables contain no preservatives or artificial ingredients, so you can feel good about the food you are serving.
GREAT FOR RECIPES These frozen veggies are not only great by themselves, but are also ideal for your favorite recipes.
FRESH AND HEALTHY Our top quality vegetables are picked and frozen at the peak of freshness, which locks in the nutrients and fresh-picked flavor.