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    Summer Drinks

    Beat the heat this Summer with our Refreshing Beverages!

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    Jus Cool Basil Seed Drink Mango Flavour 290ml

    Jus Cool Basil Seed Drink Mango Flavour 290ml

    The low-growing bush basil (Ocimum minimum) is a separate species, but it is probably a variant of sweet basil. Much of the herb grown today is a hybrid, a cross between Ocimum basilicum andOcimum americanum. There are many cultivars of basil that have their own denomination.
    Jus Cool Basil Seed Drink Lychee Flavour 290ml

    Jus Cool Basil Seed Drink Lychee Flavour 290ml

    Jus Cool Basil Seed Drink Lychee Flavour 290ml
    £2.99 £1.79
    Picture of Natco Rose Syrup 725ml

    Natco Rose Syrup 725ml

    A handy 710ml bottle of Rose Syrup. Mix with milk for a traditional Asian "milk rose" drink or with sparkling water and lots of crushed ice. Pour over ice cream or add to sweets and puddings.
    £3.99 £2.99
    Picture of Frooti Mango Drink 200ml

    Frooti Mango Drink 200ml

    The Fresh "n" Juicy Drink Ready to Serve Fruit Beverage 100 Percent Vegetarian Product
    £1.00 £1.19
    TG Kiat Rose Syrup 750ml

    TG Kiat Rose Syrup 750ml

    Rose Syrup is a popular syrup by T.G. Kiat Singapore and it is used to make a drink with or water or milk.
    £6.99 £5.79
    Frooti Mango Drink 600ml

    Frooti Mango Drink 600ml

    You needn't wait for summer just to taste a mango. Grab a Frooti Mango Fruit Drink that will let you taste the best mango whenever you want, irrespective of the season.
    £2.39 £1.99
    Niru Faluda 290ml

    Niru Faluda 290ml

    Niru Faluda is a delicious rose flavoured drink with basil seeds, that are a great way to refresh and indulge your senses. With its delicate rose scent and basil seeds acting as a natural coolant, its fantastic for helping you refresh!.
    £2.29 £1.49
    Frooti Mango Drink 1Ltr

    Frooti Mango Drink 1Ltr

    Frooti Drink is completed of new juicy mangoes giving you a flavor that will remind you of the actual fruit. Grab a Frooti Mango Fruit Juice that will let you taste the best mango whenever you want, irrespective of the season.
    Rio Tropical Can 330ml

    Rio Tropical Can 330ml

    Rio Tropical Can 330ml
    Fanta Orange Can 330ml

    Fanta Orange Can 330ml

    When you’re down and thirsty, a handy Fanta Orange can is just the prescription! As the ultimate, unique and instantly recognizable soft drink its ideal for parties. families, fridges, cupboards, backpacks, packed lunches, desks and drawers. Go on, reach for complete refreshment — what’s the worst that could happen?!
    Coke Diet Can 330ml

    Coke Diet Can 330ml

    Coke offers to you a range of carbonated drinks with Coca-Cola taste and a hint of cherry. Make your summer days special with this coke which will work your taste buds and satisfy your taste. The taste is sweet and refreshing, and the beverage also makes a great mixer with a wide variety of drinks.
    KIRKLAND Spring Water 500ml

    KIRKLAND Spring Water 500ml

    KIRKLAND Spring Water 500ml
    Picture of Thums Up Can 300ml

    Thums Up Can 300ml

    Taste the thunder with Thums Up's stronger carbonation. Strong, fizzy, and slightly spicy to suit your desi palate. Helps brings out the toofani, adventurous side of you. It tingles and adds a spicy twist to meals, snacks and even moments. Enjoy your own Thums Up thunder in a can, even on the go. It is best served chilled and bubbling.
    £1.49 £1.29
    Pepsi Max Can 330ml

    Pepsi Max Can 330ml

    About this item Carbonated low calorie cherry cola flavoured soft drink with sweeteners 0 sugar, 0 carbs Contains sweeteners Suitable for vegetarians/vegans.
    Coca Cola Original 500ml PM £1.29

    Coca Cola Original 500ml PM £1.29

    A sparkling soft drink with the great taste of Coca-Cola. Nothing refreshes like Coca-Cola Original Taste; the real thing since 1886.
    7up Nimbooz 250ml

    7up Nimbooz 250ml

    Enjoy this refreshing tangy drink and quench your thirst. 7UP Nimbooz is tangier and bubblier than the other 7UPs. Experience a burst of refreshing taste with each sip. Due to its amazing taste this refreshing drink has become the main player in the juice-based drinks category. Nimbooz is as good as homemade refreshing nimbu pani, and has the goodness of real lemons which are rich in vitamin C and help your immune system to stay strong. On summer days, Nimbooz is sure to keep you hydrated and rejuvenated all day long while helping you beat the summer heat.
    £1.99 £1.29
    Heera Basil Seed Strawberry Flavour 290ml

    Heera Basil Seed Strawberry Flavour 290ml

    Basil seeds can be used for weight management purposes. The seeds contain adequate amount of vitamin K, protein and iron. Basil Seed Juice They reportedly have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, antispasmodic, and antifungal properties. Basil seeds may aid in regulating blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. The fibber in the outer coat of sweet basil seeds that have been soaked has a laxative effect.
    Coke Bottle 1.5ltr

    Coke Bottle 1.5ltr

    Coke Bottle 1.5ltr
    Rubicon Sparkling Lychee 330ml

    Rubicon Sparkling Lychee 330ml

    Rubicon Sparkling Lychee 330ml
    Robinsons Fruit Shoot Orange 275ml PM 69p

    Robinsons Fruit Shoot Orange 275ml PM 69p

    Robinsons Fruit Shoot Orange 275ml PM 69p

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