Black cumin is an annual herbaceous plant with fine foliage and delicate pale bluish purple or white flowers. It is indigenous to the Mediterranean but grows prolifically in many areas of the world.
This aromatic spice has an aniseed-like taste and is used in Chinese spice blends. Great on spare-ribs, crispy duck, roast chicken, and in beef soups and stir fries. Best used sparingly and can be ground before use.
The worlds most popular spice. True pepper is actually a berry (not be confused with paprika, cayenne pepper, chilli pepper, red pepper and bell pepper).
Whole black peppers are the dried berry fruit containing a single seed. The dried fruit flesh gives the wrinkled apearance typical of black peppercorns. Pepper gets its heat from the piperine compound found in the fruit skins and the seed itself. The skin also contains important flavour compounds which give black pepper its distictive citrus and woody notes. White pepper has the fruit and skin removed which determines the difference in flavour between black and white pepper.
Whole Black Pepper
Nutrition / Allergen Information
Suitable for vegetarians
Gluten Free
Available in 1Kg bag
Rajmah Masala is a royal delicacy originally enjoyed by the Mughal Emperors. Rajma Masala is prepared by cooking red kidney beans in a rich tomato sauce. It is a North Indian favourite – a regular at home and the number one option on the menu when hosting dinners for guests.
Very hot, small whole chillies that can be used instead of fresh chillies. Heat them in oil until they increase in size. The frying enhances their flavour. Birdseye chillies may be small but they are very hot so use with care!