Aloe vera juice is a gooey, thick liquid made from the flesh of the aloe vera plant leaf. It’s commonly known to treat sunburns. But drinking this healthy elixir in juice form provides you with a number of other health benefits. Try this super healthy juice today and feel the difference!
Derived from the fruit of the tropical evergreen plant noni, noni juice can be a wonder food for your health. Noni fruit, popularly known as Indian Mulberry, the shrub of which is native to South-East and Southern Asia and Pacific Islands. The noni fruit has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties which boost the immune system and helps in detoxification.
Dr. Nature Jamun Juice is very effective for sugar management, Improves the digestive system, improves immunity. It is a rich source of iron, magnesium, vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Phosphorus.
The puffed rice is prepared from the best quality organic rice. This puffed rice is prepared by heating rice kernel in presence of steam by a special method. It is known as kurmura or murmura and used for prasad in gurudwara and temples. This puffed rice is totally healthy and unadulterated. This kurmura is an essential part of the famous bhel-puri of the mumbai chaat scene.
Soya chunks are Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP) or Textured Soy Protein (TSP). Extraction of beans gives soybean oil. The residue or the by-product that is left behind is called soy flour. Incidentally, this flour led to the formation of soya chunks. Since all the oil is removed, the flour is defatted. So, soya chunks are ideally fat-free.
Mustard oil is loaded with vitamin E which is an essential nutrient for the skin. Therefore, when applied on the skin, it is said to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and also acts as a sunscreen.