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    Limca Lime 'n' Lemon 750ml

    Limca Lime 'n' Lemon 750ml

    Limca has remained unchallenged as the No.1 sparkling drink in the cloudy lemon segment. The success formula is the sharp fizz and lemony bite combined with the single-minded proposition of the brand as the provider of “Freshness.”
    £2.99 £1.99
    Limca Pet Bottle 2L

    Limca Pet Bottle 2L

    Give in to the refreshing hit of invigoration · Limca is an exciting cloudy lemon drink combining a sharp fizz · Great for making the party lively when served
    £4.99 £3.99
    Limca Lime & Lemon 1Ltr

    Limca Lime & Lemon 1Ltr

    With a distinct and refreshing Lime ‘n’ Lemoni flavour, Limca® is known to be the ultimate thirst quencher. The sharp fizz and lime ‘n’ lemoni flavour of Limca® is enough to lift up spirits in no time. This iconic brand has always been a part of India’s quirks and traditions by celebrating moments of thirst that are uniquely Indian. The kind of extreme thirst that can only be quenched by Limca, aptly called 'Limca waali pyaas’.

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