Sweet Makhana, also known as a sweet sugar candy which is distributed as Prasad after a ceremony, Puja or an auspicious occasion.
Made from sulphurless sugar.
Vermicelli is an Italian type of pasta made from flour, eggs, and a bit of salt, resulting in thin noodles. It is named vermicelli (lit. small worms) because it is as fine and thin as tiny worms that are sometimes found in cheese.
Pure Almond Oil is an excellent massage oil with moisturising and nourishing properties. It is widely used as a carrier in aromatherapy in combination with essential oils. Suitable for dry, sensitive and irritated skin. It can also be used as hair and scalp massage oil.
Gol Guppa Pani Puri Puchka Gimli Tamarind Mint Sauce Spicy. This is an amazingly popular street food which is available on every street corner of India. Delicious Indian Street Food Pani Puri Water. Explosion of Flavor to excite your taste buds. India MOST Famous street food.