Every year, the 8th March is celebrated as international women's day, and on this day, the achievements of women worldwide are celebrated. This historical day is to honour women's achievements across the globe from all different backgrounds and cultures.
Women are the key to sustainable development in life. The women in every family are good wives, great leaders, administrators, managers of the family income and last but not least, an important caring mother.
Today women are breaking the stereotypes and are creating new pathways in the skies and on the ground. Each field of work requires a lot of courage and determination. The women, who excel in all this, facing the difficulties, become the icons for eternity. Today there is a young force of women innovators transforming the whole world into a global superpower through their great ideas and innovations. All their achievements speak well about their grit and their performance.
Rising women and their health
For achieving dreams and goals, women work hard all the time. Along with all these, it becomes essential for every woman to take care of their health. Good health should be a priority for all women. However, this can be difficult for many women who lead busy lives and don't take the time needed to stay fit and healthy.
It is no big secret that women these days are leading busier lives than ever before and tend to let them slip on their priority lists. However, women must start putting themselves first and focus on their health. Staying healthy and making positive changes can help every woman throughout their journey. Investing more time in themselves, they can look after the ones they love and care for. So each woman needs to put themselves first and start thinking about their health.
Healthy eating plays a vital role in every woman.
Women's bodies pass through many phases at different times. Nowadays, women are running all the time without taking proper care of their bodies and health. They face many problems like PCOD, obesity, thyroid, breast cancer and more. Every woman needs to take care of their health to prevent diseases. The main things that every woman could follow are healthy eating plans and some workouts. Healthy eating plays a vital role in the overall well-being and women's health.
Women's health: food to eat
Eating a well-balanced diet that includes minerals, nutrients, healthy fats, fibre, protein and more is essential to maintain an excellent overall women's health. It can be daunting if you don't know from where you have to start. To help you out from where to start, given below are some healthy food items that you can have daily for staying well.
Here are few best healthy food items that every woman should eat to stay firmer and fit.
You may already know that beans and lentils are a delicious source of plant-based protein, but most importantly, they are full of protein. Iron deficiency is most commonly seen in many women these days. Not getting enough iron and protein can lead to iron deficiency anaemia, which causes fatigue and shortness of breath. These beans and lentils are inexpensive and can be a quick meal starter.
Include turmeric in your meals as it has numerous things that are good for your health. People use turmeric in yellow curry dishes. It is one of the members of the ginger family. It is advantageous in treating conditions like inflammation, digestive problems, arthritis and Alzheimer's.
Cinnamaldehyde is present in cinnamon, and this can help fight viruses, lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and even help prevent Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders. You can add a stick to a cup of tea or coffee, or even you can sprinkle some cinnamon on the oatmeal.
Breathe of garlic may not be appealing. It comes along with a pungent smell, but it is perfect for women's health. It has antioxidants and antibacterial properties that can even act as a clearing agent for your skin. You can add garlic to your diet and enjoy getting its benefits.
Like garlic, ginger is also an important thing that every woman should consume. Ginger comes with anti-inflammatory properties, and it also helps to boost the immune system. Ginger plays a significant role in the treatment and prevention of ovarian cancer. It can also help to alleviate nausea. For women who deal with nausea symptoms, especially during their menstrual cycles, ginger can be beneficial.
Nuts like peanuts, almonds, and pecans are nutritional powerhouses. It is full of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. It has a massive list of health benefits ranging from preventing weight gain and avoiding heart problems to protecting the brain. Mainly walnuts are beneficial to women. It plays a significant role in improving the health of patients with breast cancer. You can even incorporate all the natural nut butter into your weekly diet if you don't like snacking the raw nuts.
Tomatoes have endless possibilities- you can slip them in delicious sandwiches, make classic sauces, slice them, and eat as raw. It is a wealth of the right nutrients. This fruit is full of vitamin A that is good for your skin. It can help in fighting acne and maintains a smooth complexion. It even has lycopene, an oxidant that boosts your immune system.
The darker greens have more nutrients in them. It is an excellent source of vitamin A, C, and K and also potassium. They contain fibre and are also low in calories. They provide folate and iron for women. It is a great food item, especially for pregnant women. It is one of those foods that you have to eat every day.
Red bell peppers, a great source of vitamin C. It makes them more colourful and delicious ingredients to pair with the foods that are high in iron, like beans and lentils. They are crunchy and sweet to have. Make a habit of having them daily in your diet.
Therefore these are some of the food items that are good for women's health. No matter if you are a working professional, a sports person, a singer, a dancer, an artist, a scientist, a homemaker or a good mother, every woman should give importance to what food they eat. You have to eat healthily and stay fit and strong all the time. Being fit and healthy, you will get enough strength and power to manage all the daily activities and will be able to take care of yourself and your family well.
For every inspiring woman out there, JustHaat wishes you a very Happy Women's Day. Eat all the healthy food items and stay fit and lead a happy & healthy life.
Images: Freepik.com