Best Gajak is a much-loved confection from the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, typically served during the winter season and to celebrate Makar Sankranti, one of the most auspicious days of the year. Gajak is essentially a blend of sesame seeds, peanuts, and jaggery cooked in sugar syrup. Preparing gajak requires technique and patience. But the payoff is well worth it!
These have a warm aroma and a sweetish taste like aniseed. Tastes great with seafood, pork, stuffings, sauces, pickles and some curries. In India it is chewed as a natural breath freshener and as an aid to digestion.
Available in 100g bag.
One of the most commonly used Indian spices.These are normally sauteed in hot oil, and impart a delicious mild nutty flavour to most Indian vegetable dishes.
Available in 100g bag.
One of the most commonly used Indian spices.These are normally sauteed in hot oil, and impart a delicious mild nutty flavour to most Indian vegetable dishes.
Available in 100g bag.
Shana’s Chilli Parathas are a spicy variation of the Original Paratha. Shana uses only the finest ingredients to create the real textures and flavours of this popular unleavened bread.
Not only do Shana Parathas have a soft inner texture and crisp outer flakiness, they have the true authentic taste, originating from the northern part of the Indian subcontinent.
Available in Standard Pack 5 pcs.